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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Coming up!

I have been a bartender the for the better half of the last decade. I have worked in various bars ranging from restaurants, sports bars, lounges, and night-clubs. Every bartender as well as many consumers/frequenters of the local watering hole knows that many characters are found at these spots. I am doing a series of in depth-interviews with some of these local barflies to find out just what type of customer they might be.

Everyone stay tuned, find out what type of customer you are when out on the town.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sorry Everyone!

Sorry Everyone I have been out for awhile, summer happened, last semester of school this fall and graduation coming up in December, I will be back on track shortly. Now, enjoy this video of Ronald Jenkees playing some keyboard, I have been following this guy for awhile, he is always coming up with some fresh tracks!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Week 21-"This is the end, the end, the end my friend."-The Doors

Monday 11:30-4:00=4.5 Hours
Thursday 11:30-5:15=5.25 Hours
Hours left for credit 9.75-9.75=0

This last week I had to brainstorm for ways to do better branding for Visual Image in their social media. I am pretty much spent on all the creative ways i can do this for her. She asked me to find out what people were talking about things that might be helpful for her to post about. I told her since it was summer time, she should post about music festivals happening this summer. I typed up a list for her of all the big festivals that my friends usually attend in the summer. I also suggested other stuff being talked about are things like the oil spill, going green, and well I am of the age where everyone is getting married, so that's at the top of my list, all the bachelor party's happening this summer. I told her that I would still keep up with her, and send her anything I can think of, even after I have left.

On my second note I started my summer internship at Ackerman McQueen. They are completely different from VI, it has such a corporate feel and is such a big company, that you can tell that the culture is completely different. Well at least i will be getting experience in a different type of environment. I guess working for Ackerman would be like working for one of the big boys in Chicago, New York, or LA.

Well that's it for my VI experience. I cherish my first real world experience in an agency, I have learned far above and beyond what is learned in school. I feel that there is almost no comparison to real world experience. I look forward to continue to grow and expand my knowledge in the advertising industry.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Week 20-I can only give so much

Tuesday 8:45-10:00, 11:45-3;15=4.75hours
Thursday 11:45-3:45=4hours
Friday 11:30-3:15=3.75hours
Hours left for credit 22.25-12.5=9.75

This is the next to the last week of my internship, I met with my internship coordinator Chelsea this morning to go over some of the AR stuff I have been working on. I have sent her all the information on all the programs and have given them enough info, on all the AR stuff I have found. She wanted me to go further, and she wanted me to find out what it takes to get this started. Chelsea also asked me to send her my presentation. I have no problem in sharing my work, I just advised her that I will gladly continue to help her out, as long as she agrees to give me a great reference, as well as pass on my name to anyone who might need someone like me to work for them.

So I researched more on tutorials on how to get started with AR projects. I sent Chlesea two tutorials on how to get started. I did not necessarily understand them as I was watching them, but I sent them to her anyway. I feel that i have given her enough information on how to get started on using AR. I do not necessarily know how to do it myself, but I do have friends that do know how. I am still learning, so I cannot give her all she wants, but I feel that I have given her enough info to where if they do a little bit more digging, it will not be hard for them to embark on this journey. I really hope they utilize this tool.

Week 19-Last week I shined, where do I go from here?

Week of 5/10-5/14, 2010

Wednesday 8:30-3:00=7
Thursday 11:00-3:00=4
Friday 8:30-5:30=8
Hours left for credit 40.75-18.5=22.25

Blake Behrens wanted me to look up the different programs that I use to create some of the Augmented Reality stuff. So this week I have been researching all the different programs that are used to start this stuff. I have found Autodesk, Blender are some of the more popular programs used to create some 3D models. I am researching the websites and figuring out which ones might be the most user friendly.

The owner Tim Berney gave me a project this week to import a batch of pictures to a Power Point presentation. Well, If I had a PC sthat is easy to do, but I have a Mac and there is no way to import a batch of pictures. I did not know any way around it so i dragged and dropped each of the 457 pictures onto a separate slide in the presentation.
The Powerpoint was too big and would not save, my program crashed, and I lost all the work. I was frantic, i did not know what to do. Tim kept on telling me that that there is a way to do it without having to do it one by one. I found out Tim has a PC. You have to download a plug in for mac to support that function. I was in the doghouse because this needed to get finished. Marketing Director Jacquelyn Lamar, heard that I was in panic, and helped me out, but the same thing happened to her. She just sent the picture files off and told Tim he was going to pick which pictures he wanted in his presentation.

This just shows that I am still learning on how to deal with situations like this, I did not know what to do. For the first time since I have been here, I felt like I was under the gun. Thanks to Jacque helping me out, I got through it alright.

Week 18-My time to shine

Week of 5/3-5/7, 2010

Tuesday 8:30-1:00=4.5
Thursday 8:15-12:15=4
Hours left for credit 49.25-8.5=40.75

I have been cramming in school, and cramming to get this presentation prepared. I have a final on Friday and this presentation on Thursday. It's been taking me awhile to figure out Powerpoint, how to convert the Youtube Videos to video format to insert it into my presentation. Just like when I was helping Alison, with Advanced Academics, it all comes down to formatting. That has been the biggest problem for me is knowing how to use all the programs to a perfection.

In my presentation I went over key examples of how other advertising agencies have used AR as a marketing tool, give them some examples, let them try it out for themselves, then went into other industries have used AR, and then had question time.

Everyone was very pleased with my presentation. I had a few people give me some recognition for a good job, and they are having me look further into using AR. The programs it takes to use are 3D modeling programs, which I have no clue on how to use them, but I am going to find out how it works.

It's funny because, I was creating hype in my mind for this presentation. I knew that what I was presenting is something that VI had never seen before. When i gave my presentation, I almost expected a Hollywood ending where everybody applauses, and asks me to join the team. That did not happen. Everybody just got up and went to lunch.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week 17-Almost showtime

Week of 4/26-4/30

Tuesday 10:30a-2:30p=4 hours
Thursday 8:30-12:30=4hours
Friday 8:30-11:00=2.5 hours
Hours left for credit 59.75-10.5=49.25

It's crunch time on this presentation. I really need to start getting it together. My problem, just as in my other projects is streamlining information. I found so much info on the subject, and I still feel that I need more, but less at the same time. I have found many different uses for Augmented Reality (AR), the problem is finding practical uses and relating it to how it could serve Visual Image clients.

I also have projects and presentations due in my other classes. So its all grinding on me. I have not had the luxury of much sleep lately, I am just trying to get through this semester. It's all almost over.

Week 16-Where to start?

Week of 4/19-4/23

Tuesday 9:30a-1:30p=4 hours
Thursday 10:00-1:30=3.5 hours
Hours left for credit 67.25-7.5=59.75 hours

This week is all about the presentation. I am starting to get my Powerpoint together over Augmented Reality. I do not know how to use Powerpoint that well so it is kind of challenging. I am going to watch pacesetter, on the OU website. I will be able to get some good tips there. I really want this to go right, the more I impress, the better for future opportunities.

All this week I collected pics, and searched you tube for videos that I might want to use in this presentation. My goal for this presentation, is to get Visual Image on the forefront of our local market, as the first to start using this type of advertising. I think that this will start great viral campaigns for the product and draw awareness to the product, through the use of this interactive form of marketing in their media mix.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week 15, Getting back to basics

Week 4/12-4/16

Tuesday 8:30a-3:30p=7 hours
Thursday 10:00-12:30=4 hours
Friday 8:30-11:00=2.5 hours
Hours left for credit 80.75-13.5=67.25 hours

I am still working on ad research I have gotten back to basics and I am just doing more specific searches on the web. Even though I have already met with Chelsea on the topic, and have already gone through my findings, I was just trying to find more information, because things now have slowed down.

I was also just doing some general news research to find out what is happening in the Advertising Industry. I have found a couple of new websites with articles on the subject. Doing the kind of stuff whileI have been doing for VI, has really gotten me interested in finding out what is happening in the field. I feel that as an intern, what they look for is any new insight in the industry from the students that come through here. This does two things show them my interest, and also allows me to pass on knowledge that they otherwise might have passed in their daily duties.

Everybody is always busy in the agency, so being able to do simple things as send them articles that I found is always a help, because I am sure they never have time to find the info themselves. In my goal to gain notoriety and further experience, what this has lead to was a good find in something called Augmented Reality, and its use in campaigns within the industry. I showed the Creative Director, Steve Sturges, and Production Artist, Preston Herring about it and they loved it. Preston commented to me later, "good find." I felt really enthusiastic about the find, so much in fact that I wanted to let everyone else know about it. I started showing the others, and even the internship coordinator, chelsea about AR. Chelsea, later approached me, and asked me to start prepping a presentation on it, due in two weeks.

This is my chance to shine, Here I go!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 14, Back to It.

Week of 4/5-4/9, 2010

Tuesday 8:30-12:45=4.25 hours
Thursday 8:30-12:30=4 hours
Hours left for credit 89-8.25=80.75 hours

Well I am back at it, just doing more research. I was not able to find much on different types of ad forums, so I may be hitting a dead end. In this day and age with websites all over the place, social media, blogs, and so on I find it hard to believe that adforum.com is the only forum, worth while, there must be another one out there that has not been able to gain much exposure on the top search engines. As a far reach in order to find something, I went to the University of Oklahoma Library, and asked the Librarian for some search tips. She told me to go through all the e-databases found on their website, and search trade articles to see if i can find anything. So that is my next step, now I just have to read through articles and see if I can find anything, relating to the subject at hand...Here goes ad forum research trial number two.

Side note, on Tuesday I received my final editing revisions for Advanced Academics. Allison didn't have me change much, just a few commas, some spacing issues, and I was finished. Last night she sent me an email, saying that all the revisions looked great, and that I did a great job on the project. Positive recognition is always pleasing, and I aim to keep moving in the same direction.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Week 13, Dead Ends!

Week of 3/29-4/2, 2010

Tuesday 8:30-10:15=1.75 hours
Hours left for credit 96.75-1.75=95 hours

Today I am only here for a little a couple of hours because I have a doctors' appointment, and have to leave early. I had planned to meet with Chelsea to discuss what I have found on my research, but the plans have changed. There is a meeting on mobile media. Ron Cariker, of 7 Media Group came and spoke to us about how mobile media, more importantly cell phones, is changing the face of advertising. He presented the importance and dynamics of this changing face. The smartphone has created another advertising portal, and now the issue is the ethics with tapping into people's phones to advertise through geolocation marketing. He also went through all the steps and protocol in a mobile marketing campaign. All in all I was very impressed with the presentation, because we have discussed about this type of advertising in class, but I had yet to meet anyone that actually specialized in this type of marketing.

Thursday 8:30-12.30=4 hours
Friday 9:00-11:00= 2 hours
Hours left for credit 95-6=89 hours

Thursday and Friday I worked on more of the advertising forum research. Thursday I spoke with Chelsea and we went over what I had found so far. The only website I found that Chelsea felt was worthwhile is adfroum.com. When we spoke she informed me that wanted me to go further into research, and find out why some of our competitors are members of this site and so on, but I couldn't find much, I will just keep plugging away.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 12, Fresh Start!

Week of 3/22-3/26, 2010

Tuesday 8:30-12:30=4 hours
Thursday 9:00-11:45=2.75 hours
Friday 8:30-11:00=3 hours
Hours left for credit 106-9.25=96.75

Today is a fresh start for me, I am done with the Advanced Academics project, and I have not gotten any feedback yet, everything seemed to be fine. It is a fresh start becuase I am getting ready to start on my new project. Office Manager, Chelsea Herring is now in charge of the interns, because Deb is gone on maternity leave. Chelsea started me out on a new project. For this project I am doing some research on Advertising forums. I am looking for any sites where people may go to talk about any advertising at all, especially our competitors. The objective is to find out what people are discussing in the industry, and if there is anything we can learn, from these forums.
I have started this project, with not much luck, I have found some popular websites that show creatives and have people commenting on the creatives. I really need to find something that goes a little more in depth than just comments on pics or videos, to get some insight from other professionals in the industry.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Week 11, Spring Break, Finally!

March 15-19, 2010

Monday 12.30-5.30=5 hours
Tuesday 9-5.30 (30 min lunch)=8 hours
Wednesday 8.30-4,30 (30 min lunch)=7.5 hours
Thursday 12.30-5.30= 5 hours
Friday 8.30-5.00 (30min Lunch)=8 hours
Total for the week =33.5
Hours left for credit=139.5-33.5=106

It's Spring Break this week so I am making up some hours, this week I came in everyday. I finally finished up my Advanced Academics outlines. That was a long project, I would say the worst part about it though, is the document finishing. Formatting is a key part in the final outcome. It took me so long to get the whole document to all have the same formatting. The whole document was 23 pages, but since I made three outlines, one for each county, when I combined them the format was all wrong. On top of that the outlines had tables in them, so when you copy an paste to all different formats, all the tables shifted and it was a mess cleaning everything up. I could have spent days formatting, re-formatting, then re-formatting, the re-format, I kept changing things around, but Allison said just stick to one and run with it, because Janet the Accounts Service Manager will look over it, and may want it all re-formatted totally different anyway. Allison said that in her last project she spent three hours at home, re-formatting her document, and it drove her crazy.

This is another lesson learned about the Accounts Services, I could toil over something trivial and circumstantial, but in the end, somebody above me may want me to re-do all of it anyway. That's the business ladder, I guess thats what they call swimming with the sharks, and climbing the ladder. It's not so much about what you want, it's all bout what somebody else wants. It's just my job to figure that out, and try to meet those needs.

So the latter part of the week Advanced Academics, is sending out some marketing packages to their main customers, its a little portable lunch cooler with some flyers. The thought behind the cooler is that you can take your cooler to outside events, or to the beach, while still attending class at Advanced Academics. Meaning you can be laying on the beach, getting a tan, eating your lunch with the Advanced Academics cooler, and taking your classes online. I helped prepare the packages, just doing some busy work, till the next project comes up.

That's it for this week, I didn't realize how worn out I feel at the end of the day. Since I have been coming in some full days, going at it all day non-stop really drains me. The best part is that it is a good draining. The worst part is that I don't even get to enjoy my last Spring Break weekend, because I have projects that I have to work on for school, due on monday. I'll be back next week!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 10, Almost there!

March 8-12, 2010

Tuesday 9.30-1.30=4 hours
Hours left for credit 143.5-4=139.5

So as I said in last week's blog I am working on my other outlines in Alachua County, and in Lee County, Florida. I was having trouble finding the ame info as in the other outline on the census bureau website, but I finally got it figured out. I should be able to knock these outlines out pretty quickly, or at least faster than the Broward County Outline.

I did not come to my internship on Thursday or Friday of this week. Thursday I had an appointment that prevented me from coming up, and Friday I had a midterm. Next week on Spring Break I am going to be coming in more hours to get these outlines finished and to get started on some new work. I am almost done with this task, I can't wait to start a new challenge.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Week 9, Coming Round the Bend

Week of March 1-5, 2010

Tuesday 8.30-1=4.5 hours
Hours left for credit 155-4.5=150.5

So short but sweet, I have a lot going on, I finished up my Broward county outline for Advanced Academics. Allison was thoroughly impressed. She said that she was going to proofread the material to her liking and when i come in on Thursday we will go over it, I will make any changes to her liking, and we will then transfer it to formal, Visual Image, letterhead. After that I will move on to finishing the other two counties, Alachua and Lee.

Thursday 8.30-1=4.5 hours
Friday 8.30-11=2.5 hours
Hours left for credit 150.5-7=143.5

Started on Alachua County for Advanced Academics. It's taking me awhile to find the same information. I went to the census bureau website to find all the demographic information, but I cannot find the same spreadsheets that I found for Broward county which gives me the same information, that I need, to put this outline to keep all of them consistent for presentation. There are so many different types of spreadsheets that it is hard to filter through them and find the same one. This incident is a learning experience for me because I need to make note of what I did to get to the spreadsheet in the first place with the Broward County outline, then i wouldn't have to waste time figuring out the steps I took before to find the information.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week 8, Cool and collected

Week of Feb 22-26, 2010

Tuesday 9.30-1.30=4 hours
Hours left for credit 166-4=162

Back on today, with finishing up the Advanced Academics outline. Just trying to get it done right, I talked with Allison earlier, and she said that we should meet later to see how everything was going, I don't want to let her down.

Dallas, last Friday was fun, I learned a lot about the advertising world in the big city, it seemed a lot more high paced, maybe it was just the city itself. I do not want to discount what I am doing here at Visual Image, because there are days here that seem just as stressful, it's just that the agencies we visited in Dallas, were much bigger, than VI and maybe that's why there was a different feel in perception.

Thursday 8.30a-12.30p=4 hours
Hours left for credit 162-4=158

This Advanced Academics thing is getting old. I cannot wait till I am finished with this project. Allison wanted for me to have it finished by today, but i do not think that is going to happen. As I have said before, when I give the finished outline to her, I want to make sure that it meets beyond her expectations. So i am just plugging away at the same stuff today, it's getting redundant, but it is productive.

In the other part of my life, school to be more exact, as always the things are hectic as always, but i think they are cooling off in the sense that I have a better grasp on what is needed to get finished with the projects/assignments. It's either that, or I am just getting used to the workload.

What really though is the fact that I work Wednesday nights, at Kamps nightclub, as a bartender. I usually stay at a fellow bartender's house at the end of the night, instead of driving all the way back down to Norman, to alleviate the fact that I have to drive all the way back up just a few hours later. The point I am trying to make is that I get three hours of sleep, and it is starting to grind on me. There is an up-side to it though. The fact that I am sleeping on a couch and not my own bed, helps me get up, in the morning as oppose to continuously pushing the snooze button. Even though I am sleep deprived, what sleeping on my friend's couch and not my own comfortable bed does for me, is get me in here bright and early to tackle the day. On Thursday mornings coffee is a Godsend.

Friday 8.30a-11.30a=3 hours
Hours left for credit 158-3=155

Today is hectic up here, clients are coming in for meetings all day, everybody is running around. I am just staying quiet and doing my work, especially when I am here for only a few hours today. So I started the day off with an email to Allison, letting her know that I did not have the outline finished. She is totally fine with that and re-itterated the fact that it is just ongoing work, but she did meet with me to check on my progress. I showed her all the info I obtained, and she seemed very impressed. I just worked on getting all the info into the finished document. I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with this project and I am getting eager, I have figured out how to streamline all the relevant information, and properly source the info.

It's really great how everything I am doing in my classes, coincides with all that I am doing here. I feel that it really differentiates me from the other interns, because I come in i know what I am doing, and I feel very confident with my work.

Week 7, Damn its Hot!

Week of Feb 15-19, 2010

Tuesday 8.30a-1p=4.5 hours
Hours left for credit 175-4.5=170.5

So it's still cold in OKC, but i am feeling hot as hell, please excuse the reference, I have so much going on that i am not sure up from down. My reason for feeling so hot is mainly because of school. My Advertising Research class, along with my Account planning class, are equally just as much work, so I feel that i am working double to get through with both. Next Allison, here at VI, just let me know that she wants to wrap up the Advanced Academics project. I am to type up a finished outline of everything i found, and she put a tentative deadline on it, for next Thursday. Here is my problem, I don't know what information she wants, and what she does not want. It's kind of like being in Professor Avery's class when he tells you he wants something done, isn't really specific about what exactly he wants, you turn in the assignment, and then he takes off points for not doing it to specifications he wanted , but did not tell you about. I do not want to let Allison down, nor do I want to extend the deadline. I am trying to keep it all together.

Thursday 8.3oa-1p=4.5 hours
Hours left for credit 170.5-4.5=166

Just working hard on finishing this outline. I don't have much to type about today, other than I am really learning about stress and multi-taking...for real! I am trying to work double time, because i will not be here in the morning, our Account Planning class is going down to Dallas, to visit some Advertising Agencies.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Week 6 Stress!

Week of February 8-12, 2010

Tuesday 8.30a-12.30p=4 hours
Hours left for credit 181.5-4=177.5

So still working on the Advanced Academics project. I have found lots of info, so much that I am having a hard time deciphering what would be relevant info, and what wouldn't. Allison asked me to make an outline of the information that I have found out so for, especially concerning Broward County. On Thursday they have a meeting with Advanced Academics, and are going over the preliminary plans to open the market in Florida. I could feel some tension in the air, everyone was busy pounding out their work, and trying to get their projects put together, to run for advertising spots. When i walk in, and everybody has their heads down, and nobody is talking, I know it's go time to get at it, and start grinding away.

Thursday-missed this day, because I am stressed out with all the work that has to be done in all my classes. My account planning class, and Advertising Research class are stressing me out, I have project after project due. The second we are finished with one thing, something else is already due. In some small way I appreciate the fact that I am staying busy, because this is how it's going to be in the future. The only difference is that I won't have to be juggling a lot of things, work, school, my internship, and homework. Hopefully I will just have my one job, and that will be the only thing i have to focus on.

Friday 8:30a-11a=2.5 hours
Hours left for credit 177.5-2.5=175

Talked to Allison today, and she told me that her meeting went well with Advanced Academics. There was not much talk about what i had been studying, just other facets of the campaign. So I continued to work on research. Today was pretty uneventful, I wrapped up the morning by running an errand for Account Executive, Deana Paulson, I was to pick up some media pics from one of their photographers, and run it to her client for First Fidelity bank, then I headed back to Norman, for class. I am not looking forward to this weekend, I have tests and projects due Monday. My weekend is going to be filled with studying. Maybe next week will be a little bit smoother, and hopefully sunnier.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 5 Feeling the heat

Week of Feb 1-5, 2010

Tuesday 8.30-1=4.5 hours
Thursday 8.30-1=4.5 hours
Friday 8.30-10.30=2 hours
Total for the week 11 hours

Hours left for credit 192.5-11=181.5

This is a little bit of a shorter blog, I am just going to sum things up in one paragraph, for the whole week, instead of blogging about daily experiences.This week has been really pushing the envelope so to speak, not necessarily here at Visual Image but all together, school, work, and my internship, has been a bit trying on my schedule, and more so my mind.

First off, in school my group has this presentation to do in my Account Planning class next Monday. My group has been working really hard to get all the research and reports finished. We have been spending lots of time at Gaylord prepping for our presentation.

At Visual Image, I have still been doing lots of research for Advanced Academics. To review for you, I am researching three counties in Florida: Alachua, Lee, and Broward, where we are opening up three new markets. I have found that Broward is the biggest county, and most densely populated. I have focused more of my research on Broward, because we are more likely to grab some of their market due to the greater population. I have found this website askalibrarian.com, that I found when I was using google to find out info on Broward County schools. This website was awesome for research, and I have never quite used anything like it.

I am sure most states have the same kind of system, but this one is the first time I used it. I first thought where is the best place to go to find out any information, the library. So I found a link to Florida's library system webpage. On the Florida public library system website, I found this feature where I was able to have a real-time chat with a librarian, Vivian Paine. I connected with her, and explained to her my objective. Within 10-15 minutes she sent me seven links to relevant websites where I could find the info I needed.

On Thursday Allison and I sat down with each other, and i went over with her all the information I found. She was pleased to hear that I found some of these websites, and said they would be very useful for the final presentation. So I feel that I have been doing a great job, and really feel motivated, and that I am in very supportive surroundings in the Advertising Industry.

That's it for this week. Wish me luck on my presentation!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 4, Working hard!

Week of 1/25-1/29, 2010

Tuesday 9a-1p=4 hours
Hours left for credit 201-4=197

Worked on Advanced Academics research. I have found a website, called greatschools.com that gives lists of all the schools in each state, and gives reviews of the schools as well. i found some really good stuff about what schools might be performing well, and which ones are not. The schools that have bad reviews we are trying to grasp some of their market, by letting them know they have other options, with Advanced Academics.

Thursday 8:30a-1=4.5hours
Hours left for credit 197-4.5=192.5

Worked on Advanced Academics research and left early because of the Snowstorm. Friday the office was closed for the same reason. One more thing, after I left Debra Kos went into labor that afternoon, and birthed a beautiful boy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 3- Start of school, Still keeping up on the Internship

Week of Jan 18-22

Thursday 9a-1p=4 hours
Hours left for credit 208-4=204

Today I was a little late, my car broke down on the highway, my battery died while i was driving, and my car shut down. This meant that the alternator went out, and my battery drained. Luckily AAA came quickly and we towed it to my mechanic. He had a spare car I could use, while he was taking care of mine. I let Debra know what was going on, and she was fine with the situation. Luckily I was only an hour late.
At VI I finished typing up my notes on the Social Media Webinar from the week before. I was then asked to run another errand for them. Last week in one of the morning meetings i heard creative talking about how they were designing a t-shirt for Christ the King School, in North Oklahoma City. Coincidently, that is where I attended elementary school. I picked up the T-shirts delivered them, and headed back down to VI. The t-shirts looked great by the way, and everyone was pleased.

Friday 8:30-11:30=3Hours
Hours left for credit 204-3=201

So when I get to VI i am immediately put to work. VI made the welcome brochures for Casady High School. The brochures were folded out into a cross shape, on each wing of the cross, there was information printed about the school. When going through the brochure they noticed that there was a mistake in the printing, on the bottom part of the cross, so they had to cut that wing off, re-print the info and use it as a stuffer in the folder, located in the middle of the cross. So now the cross is not really a cross. So I learned that sometimes you have to improvise and deviate away from the original plan. For VI to reprint the whole brochure would cost more money and the deadline would be pushed.
When i returned to VI, Account Coordinator, Allison Abbott put me on he biggest project yet, and I am a bit timid and nervous, I want to make sure I do real well for her, but I am up for the challenge.
Advanced Academics, an online school program, is opening three new markets in Florida, in Alachua County, Broward County, and Lee County. I am to research each school district, finding out about the schools, demographics, and helpful organizations or charter schools that we may team up with to help advertise.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Still Excited and Eager-Week 2

Week 2, 12/11-12/15, 2010

Breakdown of 2nd week at Visual Image

Tuesday 2pm-5:30pm=3.5 hours
Hours left for credit 230-3.5=226.5needed
To become more acclimated and acquainted with the Accounts team, on monday morning I sent all them an email. In the email I let all of them know that I am eager to learn from all them, and that I would gladly accept any work they gave me to keep me busy. I encouraged to give me anything simple or hard, or even errands to run.
When I arrived in the afternoon, at Visual Image, I found out that Shannon from the Colorado Springs office has given me a task. For "Earth Month," in April, I was to come up with different ideas on different tasks that could be used n order to conserve energy, or different tips for recycling. I also came up with different activities that could be used in the campaign. For example Shannon told me about how they did a blackout in Colorado, and participants all turned off their lights and used candles to for their source of light for a period of time, in order to conserve energy. I started researching and typing up a document of energy saving tips, promo ideas, and activity ideas that could be used in the campaign.

Wednesday 8:30am-5:30p, 30 min lunch=8.5 hours
Hours left for credit 226.5-8.5=218 needed
I continued to research and type up the document on "Earth Month," and finished it by lunch. In the afternoon there was a Webinar (Seminar on the web), over social media and how its uses are transforming the way we advertise, and how we should use different forms of the media. Debra Kos asked me to type up notes on the seminar.

Thursday 12p-5:30=5.5hours
Hours left for credit 218-5.5=212.5

Today started out with running another errand for VI. When I came back to the office, I am continued to type up notes on the Webinar, from the day before.

Friday 1pm-5:30=4.5hours
Hours left for credit 212.5-4.5=208

Today I searched the internet for relevant articles regarding what's happening in the Advertising industry. There was much news about the earthquake relief and relevant writings regarding the Carribean Cruise ship that docked on the other side of the Haitian island. There was muych talk about how Carribean Cruise lines will be affected by this publicity.
I also talked with Greta whose account is the "Stop Smoking" campaign. For the past couple of days they were organizing opportunities for an outside marketing group to go to different bars in Tulsa to start spreading the word of "no smoking". I thought this was cool, because I learned about marketing groups that did this type of stuff in my Principles of Marketing class. Only they used it for clothing campaigns, but they used the same principle. The marketing group would gather the trend setters of their community, and they would then build of team to spread the word about a certain product or in this case, to "stop smoking". I did not ever know how that was set up or how stuff like that was organized. To have the insight brought me closer to the industry, and I became excited about my future career of choice.

The Start of my Internship

Internship Week 1, 12/4-12/8, 2010.
Days attended M, W, Th, Fri. (2.5 hours/day, 3-5.30p)
Total Hours worked 10. Total hours needed 240-10=230 left

I started at Visual Image Advertising, as an Account Executive Intern. I met all the people in the Accounts Dept., and feel confident that i will learn from all of them.

Monday My first day, Debra Kos took me around the office and I met everyone, and she gave me the names of some their accounts, and head me research them on the internet to get familiar with the companies. I was told that I might be helping some of the executives with some of these accounts. The clients are Advanced Academics, First Fidelity, Tobacco Stops With me Oklahoma, Automated Energy, and AmericanPrecious Metals Exchange.

Wednesday Account Coordinator, Alison Abbott gave me a stack of papers that are going to Bio cards for Doctors participating in the Oklahoma Spine Hospital group. VI is doing their advertising, and my task was to call the offices and verify the print, i.e spelling of names, addresses, professional titles. etc

Thursday Debra asked me to find relevant articles dealing with advertising news or updates that I felt might be relevant to the agency. I then had to email all the executives these related articles to try to give them insight into what's going on in the industry. She said this is also a way for them to get familiar with me and, to remember to give me whatever extra work they may have.

Friday Alison Abbott once again kept me in the loop, and sat me down with her, and showed me all the stuff she was working on, mainly having to do with her client Advanced Academics, she showed me all the charts they use to follow, their online Ad campaigns, and all the different banners and ads they are using within the campaign. I also learned all about the different ways they stay in touch with their client and how they continually check up with them in order to meet their clients goals.