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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Still Excited and Eager-Week 2

Week 2, 12/11-12/15, 2010

Breakdown of 2nd week at Visual Image

Tuesday 2pm-5:30pm=3.5 hours
Hours left for credit 230-3.5=226.5needed
To become more acclimated and acquainted with the Accounts team, on monday morning I sent all them an email. In the email I let all of them know that I am eager to learn from all them, and that I would gladly accept any work they gave me to keep me busy. I encouraged to give me anything simple or hard, or even errands to run.
When I arrived in the afternoon, at Visual Image, I found out that Shannon from the Colorado Springs office has given me a task. For "Earth Month," in April, I was to come up with different ideas on different tasks that could be used n order to conserve energy, or different tips for recycling. I also came up with different activities that could be used in the campaign. For example Shannon told me about how they did a blackout in Colorado, and participants all turned off their lights and used candles to for their source of light for a period of time, in order to conserve energy. I started researching and typing up a document of energy saving tips, promo ideas, and activity ideas that could be used in the campaign.

Wednesday 8:30am-5:30p, 30 min lunch=8.5 hours
Hours left for credit 226.5-8.5=218 needed
I continued to research and type up the document on "Earth Month," and finished it by lunch. In the afternoon there was a Webinar (Seminar on the web), over social media and how its uses are transforming the way we advertise, and how we should use different forms of the media. Debra Kos asked me to type up notes on the seminar.

Thursday 12p-5:30=5.5hours
Hours left for credit 218-5.5=212.5

Today started out with running another errand for VI. When I came back to the office, I am continued to type up notes on the Webinar, from the day before.

Friday 1pm-5:30=4.5hours
Hours left for credit 212.5-4.5=208

Today I searched the internet for relevant articles regarding what's happening in the Advertising industry. There was much news about the earthquake relief and relevant writings regarding the Carribean Cruise ship that docked on the other side of the Haitian island. There was muych talk about how Carribean Cruise lines will be affected by this publicity.
I also talked with Greta whose account is the "Stop Smoking" campaign. For the past couple of days they were organizing opportunities for an outside marketing group to go to different bars in Tulsa to start spreading the word of "no smoking". I thought this was cool, because I learned about marketing groups that did this type of stuff in my Principles of Marketing class. Only they used it for clothing campaigns, but they used the same principle. The marketing group would gather the trend setters of their community, and they would then build of team to spread the word about a certain product or in this case, to "stop smoking". I did not ever know how that was set up or how stuff like that was organized. To have the insight brought me closer to the industry, and I became excited about my future career of choice.

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