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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 4, Working hard!

Week of 1/25-1/29, 2010

Tuesday 9a-1p=4 hours
Hours left for credit 201-4=197

Worked on Advanced Academics research. I have found a website, called greatschools.com that gives lists of all the schools in each state, and gives reviews of the schools as well. i found some really good stuff about what schools might be performing well, and which ones are not. The schools that have bad reviews we are trying to grasp some of their market, by letting them know they have other options, with Advanced Academics.

Thursday 8:30a-1=4.5hours
Hours left for credit 197-4.5=192.5

Worked on Advanced Academics research and left early because of the Snowstorm. Friday the office was closed for the same reason. One more thing, after I left Debra Kos went into labor that afternoon, and birthed a beautiful boy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 3- Start of school, Still keeping up on the Internship

Week of Jan 18-22

Thursday 9a-1p=4 hours
Hours left for credit 208-4=204

Today I was a little late, my car broke down on the highway, my battery died while i was driving, and my car shut down. This meant that the alternator went out, and my battery drained. Luckily AAA came quickly and we towed it to my mechanic. He had a spare car I could use, while he was taking care of mine. I let Debra know what was going on, and she was fine with the situation. Luckily I was only an hour late.
At VI I finished typing up my notes on the Social Media Webinar from the week before. I was then asked to run another errand for them. Last week in one of the morning meetings i heard creative talking about how they were designing a t-shirt for Christ the King School, in North Oklahoma City. Coincidently, that is where I attended elementary school. I picked up the T-shirts delivered them, and headed back down to VI. The t-shirts looked great by the way, and everyone was pleased.

Friday 8:30-11:30=3Hours
Hours left for credit 204-3=201

So when I get to VI i am immediately put to work. VI made the welcome brochures for Casady High School. The brochures were folded out into a cross shape, on each wing of the cross, there was information printed about the school. When going through the brochure they noticed that there was a mistake in the printing, on the bottom part of the cross, so they had to cut that wing off, re-print the info and use it as a stuffer in the folder, located in the middle of the cross. So now the cross is not really a cross. So I learned that sometimes you have to improvise and deviate away from the original plan. For VI to reprint the whole brochure would cost more money and the deadline would be pushed.
When i returned to VI, Account Coordinator, Allison Abbott put me on he biggest project yet, and I am a bit timid and nervous, I want to make sure I do real well for her, but I am up for the challenge.
Advanced Academics, an online school program, is opening three new markets in Florida, in Alachua County, Broward County, and Lee County. I am to research each school district, finding out about the schools, demographics, and helpful organizations or charter schools that we may team up with to help advertise.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Still Excited and Eager-Week 2

Week 2, 12/11-12/15, 2010

Breakdown of 2nd week at Visual Image

Tuesday 2pm-5:30pm=3.5 hours
Hours left for credit 230-3.5=226.5needed
To become more acclimated and acquainted with the Accounts team, on monday morning I sent all them an email. In the email I let all of them know that I am eager to learn from all them, and that I would gladly accept any work they gave me to keep me busy. I encouraged to give me anything simple or hard, or even errands to run.
When I arrived in the afternoon, at Visual Image, I found out that Shannon from the Colorado Springs office has given me a task. For "Earth Month," in April, I was to come up with different ideas on different tasks that could be used n order to conserve energy, or different tips for recycling. I also came up with different activities that could be used in the campaign. For example Shannon told me about how they did a blackout in Colorado, and participants all turned off their lights and used candles to for their source of light for a period of time, in order to conserve energy. I started researching and typing up a document of energy saving tips, promo ideas, and activity ideas that could be used in the campaign.

Wednesday 8:30am-5:30p, 30 min lunch=8.5 hours
Hours left for credit 226.5-8.5=218 needed
I continued to research and type up the document on "Earth Month," and finished it by lunch. In the afternoon there was a Webinar (Seminar on the web), over social media and how its uses are transforming the way we advertise, and how we should use different forms of the media. Debra Kos asked me to type up notes on the seminar.

Thursday 12p-5:30=5.5hours
Hours left for credit 218-5.5=212.5

Today started out with running another errand for VI. When I came back to the office, I am continued to type up notes on the Webinar, from the day before.

Friday 1pm-5:30=4.5hours
Hours left for credit 212.5-4.5=208

Today I searched the internet for relevant articles regarding what's happening in the Advertising industry. There was much news about the earthquake relief and relevant writings regarding the Carribean Cruise ship that docked on the other side of the Haitian island. There was muych talk about how Carribean Cruise lines will be affected by this publicity.
I also talked with Greta whose account is the "Stop Smoking" campaign. For the past couple of days they were organizing opportunities for an outside marketing group to go to different bars in Tulsa to start spreading the word of "no smoking". I thought this was cool, because I learned about marketing groups that did this type of stuff in my Principles of Marketing class. Only they used it for clothing campaigns, but they used the same principle. The marketing group would gather the trend setters of their community, and they would then build of team to spread the word about a certain product or in this case, to "stop smoking". I did not ever know how that was set up or how stuff like that was organized. To have the insight brought me closer to the industry, and I became excited about my future career of choice.

The Start of my Internship

Internship Week 1, 12/4-12/8, 2010.
Days attended M, W, Th, Fri. (2.5 hours/day, 3-5.30p)
Total Hours worked 10. Total hours needed 240-10=230 left

I started at Visual Image Advertising, as an Account Executive Intern. I met all the people in the Accounts Dept., and feel confident that i will learn from all of them.

Monday My first day, Debra Kos took me around the office and I met everyone, and she gave me the names of some their accounts, and head me research them on the internet to get familiar with the companies. I was told that I might be helping some of the executives with some of these accounts. The clients are Advanced Academics, First Fidelity, Tobacco Stops With me Oklahoma, Automated Energy, and AmericanPrecious Metals Exchange.

Wednesday Account Coordinator, Alison Abbott gave me a stack of papers that are going to Bio cards for Doctors participating in the Oklahoma Spine Hospital group. VI is doing their advertising, and my task was to call the offices and verify the print, i.e spelling of names, addresses, professional titles. etc

Thursday Debra asked me to find relevant articles dealing with advertising news or updates that I felt might be relevant to the agency. I then had to email all the executives these related articles to try to give them insight into what's going on in the industry. She said this is also a way for them to get familiar with me and, to remember to give me whatever extra work they may have.

Friday Alison Abbott once again kept me in the loop, and sat me down with her, and showed me all the stuff she was working on, mainly having to do with her client Advanced Academics, she showed me all the charts they use to follow, their online Ad campaigns, and all the different banners and ads they are using within the campaign. I also learned all about the different ways they stay in touch with their client and how they continually check up with them in order to meet their clients goals.